


地标学院的学生可以选择很多道路:一些人留在LC获得学士学位, some find their passion in the workforce, some continue their studies at other universities. Read a few of their success stories:

雷切尔布朗 stands on upper campus talking to another student雷切尔布朗
Hometown: North Kingstown, Rhode Island

四年级时, 雷切尔布朗 was diagnosed with ADHD, 理解问题, and a nonspecific learning disorder.

“The doctor told my mom and me that I had ‘wicked ADHD,’” Rachel recalls.

School was difficult enough, 但ADHD是一种“男孩多动症”的认知让她更难做到这一点. When she came to Landmark College in 2011, 她很高兴地得知,“老师不会根据过去的失败来评判你. 他们寻找你的潜力,并帮助你找到实现它的最佳途径. 他们明白,任何人都可以拥有任何ld组合,但仍然可以成功.”

作为一名副学士学位学生,瑞秋的经历是如此深刻,以至于她决定继续攻读学士学位:她是学院第一批获得B的学生之一.A. in Liberal Studies in May 2016. 她目前正在南新罕布什尔大学攻读硕士学位.

Beyond the classroom, Rachel has thrived as one of LC’s student leaders. “我在LC有很多很好的领导机会:作为新生领袖, working with the Women’s Center, 与校园活动委员会一起组织春游和万圣节派对等活动, and as a Resident Assistant.”

Somehow in between all of that plus schoolwork, Rachel played softball!

2015年夏季,她还在营销与传播办公室实习, where she worked on social media, 摄像, 活动策划. “我为我未来在市场营销和传播领域的职业生涯积累了宝贵的经验,瑞秋说。.

Equally important are the friendships Rachel made at LC. “我小时候很害羞,在同龄人中很难找到自己的位置. 在这里, your academic success is directly tied to a feeling that you belong, because once you start experiencing success in the classroom, 你在社交上敞开心扉.

“我们都来自不同的背景,但我们都知道我们都在挣扎, 正因为如此,我们可以相互联系,建立一个强大的朋友社区.”

瑞秋的演讲 在2015年8月新地标学院的毕业典礼上.

Hometown: Hollis, New Hampshire

2015年5月,埃弗雷特法毕业于Landmark College,获得文科副学士学位. 几个月后,他走在华盛顿特区美利坚大学的校园里.C., on his way to earning a bachelor’s degree in American studies.

“Those are achievements that seemed unlikely just a few years ago,埃弗雷特说。, 她于2018年5月从美国大学毕业,不久就被聘为地标学院的亚洲博彩平台排名顾问.

五年级时,埃弗雷特被诊断出患有注意力缺陷多动症、听觉处理障碍和焦虑症. “My self-confidence was non-existent; I was working my hardest just to attain passing grades. I struggled even harder with the social aspects of school, 有时感觉我永远找不到一个地方,我可以融入,结交好朋友.“在艰难地读完高中,寻找一所可能适合我的大学之后, Everett landed at Landmark College.

“My first semester here, I got Bs and Cs. 在那之后的每一个学期,我的成绩都在攀升,最终我进入了院长名单! Landmark学院的老师们总是和我一起努力,想办法防止我的学习差异阻碍我的成功. 我学会了在工作中克服障碍,站在有利的位置上工作.”

来到LC后,埃弗雷特的社交焦虑立刻开始消散. “My first roommate became the best friend I’ve ever had. 当我意识到我们都来自相似的地方时,试图与同龄人建立联系的焦虑开始消失.”地标学院校友埃弗雷特法与学生事务工作人员Idonas Hughes

他开始寻找自己喜欢的课外活动:校园大使, the College radio station, and as a representative on the Alcohol and Other Drugs Committee. A study abroad trip to Costa Rica was a fulfilled dream, 如果没有LC的支持,埃弗雷特是无法想象的.

“我在地标学院的经历教会了我要有成功的抱负, 没有这个, 我就不能申请并被美国大学录取了.” 

Zach Zoidis, a 2014 Landmark College associate degree graduate

Hometown: Hopkins, Minnesota

“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.”

With this favorite Bruce Lee quote, 2014年12月,扎克·佐伊迪斯(Zach Zoidis)带着他的文科副学士学位走出了地标学院(Landmark College)的校园,这证明他已经学会了“随风而行”,并发现了自己的学习风格. 他认为他在LC学习的教师和课程帮助他找到了冒险精神,并有信心进入一个梦寐以求的职业,沉迷于他对户外活动的热情.

“One of the reasons I came to Landmark was because it’s in Vermont. You can’t do better than that for all-season sports,扎克说。, who is also an avid golfer and fisherman.

他的多动症诊断使他很难提高他的执行功能和学习技能, 但他在加州大学洛杉矶分校的时光“让我在成年后能够光荣地履行自己的义务和责任。, whether it be in my personal life or academic pursuits.”
圣扎迦利Zoidis at Landmark College's December 2014 commencement ceremony, with fellow graduate Serenella Balzaretti

After earning an associate degree at Landmark College, 扎克过渡到一份全季节的工作,发现这位经验丰富的滑雪板运动员在雪山滑雪场担任教练,雪山滑雪场是该地区最受LC学生欢迎的冬季运动胜地之一. During spring and 夏天, he worked at the Mount Snow Golf Course.

现在, 扎克已经回到了他的家乡明尼苏达州,在那里他正在追求他的其他一些爱好——包括瑜伽和巴西柔术——这些都是他在LC通过定期辅导课程和“积极心理学”等课程培养的自我意识.”

他已经获得了瑜伽教练的认证,甚至在考虑更长期的教育选择. “I love what I’m doing now and I want to make the most of it, 在某个时候,我打算考虑攻读学士学位课程.”

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