

COM3065: Internatural Communication in Putney, Vermont and St. 克罗伊岛,美属维尔京群岛(3学分)



Map showing location of U S V I St 克罗伊 in relationship to North America




St. 十字路口项目负责人

学术总监: 李·克罗克,传播学副教授



Consider the following to determine if this course is right for you:


For additional details about the above considerations, see the FAQ panels below.

Join us in January 2024 for an exciting hybrid program: on campus in Putney, Vermont; and in St. 克罗伊岛,美属维尔京群岛. Learn about humans’ relationship with nature and animals while exploring the great outdoors.


2024年1月2日至18日. 本课程遵循J-Term 2024时间表.

  • 抵达校园星期一,2024年1月1日
  • 课程将于2024年1月2日(星期二)在校园开课
  • 前往圣. 2024年1月11日,星期四,克罗伊乐队
  • Return to Vermont Thursday, 1月18日, 2024 (course ends)


This course focuses on the relationship between humans and nature.

There are many active outdoor components of this course, both in Vermont and in St. 克罗伊. Students will participate in activities such as hiking, snorkeling, and a rural farm stay (TBD).

Students will study societal beliefs about the environment and animals, and look at economic and relational factors that have shaped our views of nature. This course will focus on communication and relationships with animals including wildlife, 宠物, 服务的动物, 农场动物.

Students in this program will spend the week of the course on Landmark College’s Putney, 并将前往圣. 克罗伊 in the US Virgin Islands for the duration of the course.


  • 这个程序可以 需要护照,因为圣. 克罗伊岛是美国的一部分
  • Please see the “特殊注意事项” tab in the FAQ section below for additional information about the program’s structure.


  • 该项目于2024学年开始. All students must arrive on campus on January 1, following guidance from Residence Life staff. 这群人将动身去圣. 星期四的十字架, January 11 and return to campus at the end of the program, 周四, 1月18日.
  • The itinerary and program fee include a group flight from Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT, 致亨利·E. 圣路易斯市罗尔森机场. 克罗伊,美. All students and at least one program leader will travel on this flight.


Program documents, including a handbook and syllabus, will be posted here in late November.

Expand the Tabs Below for Additional Program Details

  • Students in this program will spend one week at our Putney, VT, campus and one week in St. 克罗伊,美.

    在校园里, 学生将住在校园宿舍, 在食堂吃饭, 遵循一个有规律的上课时间表.

    There are many active outdoor components of this course, both in Vermont and in St. 克罗伊. Students will participate in activities such as hiking, snorkeling, and a rural farm stay (TBD)

    Please refer to the following for an understanding of the pace and demands of the St. 旅行的十字部分:

    空闲时间/独立:低. The program itinerary is highly structured and students will have some, 但不是很多, 自己探索的机会.

    物理的要求:高. This program may include hiking, kayaking, physical volunteer work and other activities. Students concerned about physical limitations are encouraged to talk with the study abroad office and program leaders.

    转换:高. This program moves around a lot: ten days on campus followed by several short stays in different locations in St. 克罗伊.

    刺激:高. This program includes lots of contact with nature: varying weather conditions, 热, 错误, 还有各种各样的动物, 大大小小的.

  • 先决条件

    • 良好的学术成绩(平均成绩2分).0或以上)
    • 成功完成WRT1011
    • COM1011成绩C或以上

    OR 得到了系主任埃里克·马特的许可

    注意:选修COM2061:动物的学生 & Human Communication are 不 eligible to take this course.

  • 学术总监: 李·克罗克, 传播学副教授

    李·克罗克 is an 传播学副教授 at Landmark College. Lee earned her Master’s in Special Education and Reading from Sage Graduate School, Bachelor’s of Psychology from the University of Vermont, 和C.A.G., Autism Spectrum Disorders from Antioch University New England.

    Lee’s academic interests include animals and human communication and relationships, 自闭症谱系障碍, 以及社会语用学.


    solid black graphic of person head and shoulders项目负责人: TBD


  • 项目成本:6700美元

    Cost of this program will be determined as soon as possible and will include:

    • 3学分的课程
    • 房间 & board on Landmark College's Putney, VT campus for the first segment of the course
    • 往返圣. 克罗伊
    • Transportation, housing, and field trips while in St. 克罗伊
    • 一些团体餐

    Student spending can vary depending on the individual. Additional costs are estimated at about $200-300 and include:

    • 大多数食物
    • 业余活动
    • 洗衣
    • 纪念品、礼品等.
  • There is limited financial aid available for this program through funding from Landmark College’s “Global Engagement” Scholarship. The scholarship application deadline was 11月1日, 2023.

  • Program and Scholarship Application Deadline: Wednesday, 11月1日, 2023年(不再接受申请)

    Notification of acceptance and scholarship decisions: Friday, 11月1日0, 2023

    Program deposit ($1,500 to confirm seat, nonrefundable) due: Monday, November 20, 2023

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