
研究 & 培训的博客

Welcome to the 具有里程碑意义的大学 Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT) blog — the mission of this blog is to provide an avenue of communication between LCIRT and educators/professionals interested in the latest re搜索, 资源, and news related to learning differences.
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生物学的成功! Teaching Diverse Learners

A Resource Manual for Biology Educators

Green highway sign that reads

Mindset and connectedness: keys to the good life for adolescents

In my time as a high school teacher, I worked with my fair share of teenagers who engaged in … challenging behavior. But the students that concerned me the most were those who did not have at least one trusting, positive relationship with some adult in school. 在这些场景中, my fear stemmed from how little we know about the emotional state of our students at such a vulnerable part of their development. It was too easy to miss signs of& serious distress and even easier to miss crucial opportunities to help them expand their abilities or sense of possibilities. 的ir classwork and their grades could maybe tell us what, 或者,如果, they were learning; but we had few answers to the most essential question: how are they handling the critical challenges of adolescence? That so many of us have a story about a teacher (or some other caring adult) who played a critical role in guiding us through adolescence is a testament to the power and importance of the connections we should strive to make with our students.
